Saturday 16 May 2020

Jam Tarts

 This morning I made some jam tarts for everyone. they came out well and they are yummy. they are easy to make. 8oz of flour and 4oz of butter per 12 tarts made with a bit of water to make mixture into a soft dough, plus a dollop of jam in the middle of them. cook on 170 degrees for 15-20 minutes and leave to cool for a short while before transferring to a wire cooling tray. had to send my husband out to the shop to get more jam as we got half way full and I ran out of jam with 14 left to fill! made a big batch of tarts as they are bound to go quick with everyone in this house. its a nice recipe to do and the results are just pure yumness

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Easter tag

  A friend's of mine wanted to do an Easter tag swap so I used the theme rabbits for it. Not normally a subject I craft for so was a nic...